About Us

    Firebase Coffee is a Christian, Veteran owned company.  In 2008, a unique coffee company was founded as part of a ministry.  That venture resulted in the number one coffee shop in its county!  In 2021, the original owner partnered with his long-time friend who is also an Army veteran.  Their desire was to capture the attention of folks who want to support Christian and veteran causes as well as drink delicious (not bitter) coffee!

    Firebase traces its roots to the U.S. artillery.  So our coffee labeling reflect that history.  The medium roast is our best seller and is the 155; the lighter roast (excellent for espresso!) is the 105; the MLRS (a bit more robust than the 155); and the King of Battle (perfect for French Press!); and of course, our Decaf coffee is called…wait for it…THE DUD! (However, the taste is explosive and smooth!)

  • We are Christians, which we believe is a good thing. Our core belief is: God loves us, wants a relationship with us, and sent His Son (Jesus Christ) as the bridge back to Him. Yes, we believe God has given us free-will, thus we make choices. Sometimes our choices result in sin. Yet, God has provided the Way away from sin and back into His presence, love, grace, and mercy. That Way (The Way) is Jesus Christ.

  • We believe our country was, is, and should be a beckon of hope for other nations. Furthermore, we believe in the unalienable rights freely given by God and Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness of every American.

    If you are wondering, yes, we support the 2d Amendment. The right to bear arms is foundational to our country and way of life. Guns are important for providing for food and protection. Shooting for sport is a wonderful activity to teach patience, focus, attention-to-detail, risk assessment/management, environmental factors, and self-confidence.

  • We believe great coffee has been forgotten. Customers have grown accustom (e.g. conditioned) to think coffee needs “stuff” added to remove the horrible, nasty, or burned taste.

    We submit this is an unfortunate fallacy. Why? Coffee beans take on the flavors and environmental elements of their grow area/region. The roasting process brings out the flavors and aromas.

    Your coffee should have subtle flavors and aromas like chocolate, berries, or flowers to name a few.

    Exquisite tasting coffee will not need a ton, if any, “flavor additions” or “other additions”.

    So, let us explode your taste buds with delicious coffee!

    “Firing for Effect on Taste”